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Sulya (スーリヤ, Sūriya) is an evolved human who claims to be the Ice Witch, despite knowing the truth behind the Earth's freezing temperatures.


Sulya looks almost exactly like Judah and Luna, bearing the same short, white hair. The only difference on her appearance is the presence of a branch-like structure that grows out of her right eye, product of a failed attempt to become a World Tree.

She's commonly seen on a large fuzzy coat with boots, appearing with her face covered with the coat's hood most of the time, which covers her face in darkness.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Elemental manipulation: Beffiting her nickname, Sulya's blessing allows her to manipulate elements of the nature. She can produce both ice and fire from her hands;
  • World Tree creation: Sulya's other ability allows her to create a "World Tree", which is a structure that connects itself to every lifeform on and outside of Earth in order to suck its nutrients to warm the planet. To make a World Tree, Sulya needs a vessel to give it their life, which are supposed members of this "evolved species" that she and Judah are a part of;
The world tree


Sulya introducing herself under her Ice Witch persona

Sulya has a rather erratic personality. She's obsessed with the idea of destroying all life forms and will go on and on about her plans if given the chance. She clearly also has a huge affinity for cinema and movies, as she lists watching the cancelled Star Wars movie as one of the reasons for resetting the universe. This obsession even extends to combat, as she compares Agni to a movie villain and says his death would also make her feel relieved.


According to the legend told by Behemdorg's propaganda, the Ice Witch was an individual who had a powerful ice blessing and because of that, froze the Earth into a huge ice age. This legend however, is purely fabricated and the Ice Witch as we know never existed. Sulya was an individual who knew about the legend and decided to take the mantle of the Ice Witch as a moniker, seeing that she didn't exist.

Little is known about Sulya's backstory, but it is stated she was born in a time before the apocalypse broke out. Much like Togata, Sulya loved movies, especially the Star Wars series. The final movie was under production when the Earth begun to freeze, which caused its cancellation. This sparked Sulya's interest in destroying all life from the universe and resetting humanity as a whole. At some point, she moved to a hut in the middle of nowhere. She attempted to start her plan to create the World Tree by using herself as a vessel, but gave up midway through due to her wanting to see the Star Wars movie in a future generation. This incident ended up causing the loss of her right eye, being replaced by a branch.

Sulya first appears in Chapter 28. After the destruction of Behemdorg, she meets Agni who had just saved Judah from a suicide attempt in his flames. Sulya introduces herself as the Ice Witch and takes the blame for freezing the world, saying she did it "because she could". Agni tries to kill her, but is impaled by icicles created from her ability. Sulya then takes Judah's severed head and runs away with it.

Judah wakes up fully healed on a hut in the middle of nowhere. She then meets Sulya there, who lights up the fireplace using her elemental blessing and starts evolving Judah is an array of roots. Sulya then explains to Judah that both of them are part of a evolved race of humans and unhoods herself, revealing a face identical to Judah's. They both go out on a walk on the cold night and Sulya carefully explains her plan to Judah and how she's gonna use her as a vessel to create the World Tree, whose branches and roots are going to suck all of the nutrients of all lifeforms on Earth and on other planets as well. The creation of the World Tree starts offscreen.

After Togata sacrificed himself to save Agni from committing suicide, the Fire Man watches in terror as the World Tree starts growing in the distance and starts sucking the life of the entire population using its roots. Sulya reencounters Agni and starts calling him a villain due to him having killed several innocent people in the destruction of Behemdorg and the rampage on Doma's camp, saying that she's gonna take pleasure in seeing him dying. Sulya then commands Judah from inside the tree to kill Agni, impaling him with its branches and dragging him onto its trunk. All the while, Judah is desperately begging for Agni to kill her. After reaching the top, Agni finds Judah and starts punching her, waiting for a miracle to happen, all the while Sulya is yelling for her to kill him. One final punch and the entire World Tree explodes. Agni wakes up with Judah, transported to 10 years later, where the Earth's temperature has increased considerably. Agni now no longer has Doma's fire covering his body and Judah has completely lost her memories.

Sun with Jack and Sulya

During those 10 years, Sulya survived the destruction of the World Tree and joins the Agnists, now under the command of Sun. In order to bring their "God", Agni back, Sulya organizes an operation to storm the salt factory that Agni is now residing with Judah and a group of women. The operation destroys the factory and kidnaps Judah's severed head. This causes Agni to go insane once more, as he fully embraces his Fire Punch persona. Lit himself on fire once more due to Iya's flames, he goes on to save his "sister" from the Agnists.

Sun shows off Jack and Sulyas heads

After the operation is complete, Sun has a disagreement with Sulya and Jack, saying that their views on Agnism are warped and that he is the only one who truly understands Agni. Sulya and Jack are then both executed by Sun in the name of Agni. Their heads are exposed in public and they're both labeled as heretics.
